Zero risk. No commission fees.

Join other top brands offering restaurant subscriptions & meal plans

We want to help you turn your twice-per-month customer into a twice-per-week customer. Schedule a call with us to get started and you could be onboarded with Feedplan the same day.

restaurant subscription feedplan meal plans
  • We want to turn your twice-per-month customer into a twice-per-week customer. Offer prepaid meal plans to your customers in any quantities of your choosing. That can be 4 meals for $50 or 10 meals for $100, it's completely up to you.

  • Seriously. Schedule a 20-minute call with us, and you can be onboarded onto the Feedplan app by the end of the day.

  • The Feedplan platform gives you the ability to generate upfront, recurring revenue and higher-volume orders. Our average spend per customer is 3X higher than DoorDash.

  • That’s right; we’re not going to charge you unreasonable fees to post and sell meal plans to customers on our platform. We’ll let them pick up the tab.

Skyrocketing interest in meal plans.

8 in 10 young adults—ages 18 to 42—are interested in restaurant subscriptions and meal plans. The average American spent 21% more at restaurants than at the grocery store in 2023, with Gen-Z and Millennials leading this trend.